Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4th meeting: 10.13.10

Muchas gracias to Andy and Sarah for hosting our 4th whittling club meeting at their awesome studio- for providing turkey meatballs, for keeping the records playing all night, and for sending over these photos!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3rd meeting: 7.1.10

Once again, thanks to The Boys for letting us invade Woodshop for the 3rd meeting of the BTWC-SF. It's such an amazing space to get the creative juices, and (in Sarah's case) thumb-blood flowing! We had a great crew of whittlers this time, and we were very excited to welcome Neet and Brian to the club. They are recent transplants from the original BTWC in London, and we are so thrilled and delighted that a shared love of knives and sticks makes for such fast friends.

Brian: Focused.

Brian's mohawked-branch-totem-guy.

Derek's XXX smoker stopper.

Jen's super soft pouf cube.

Cut-Of-The-Week goes to Sarah this time. So symmetrical!

Lauren's spoonful of shavings.

Neet: Calm in mid-cut.

Neet proves you don't need a fancy knife to make a fancy quatrefoil.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some inspiration

Some whittlin' photos from Old Chum, one of our favorite tumblr blogs.

And I could learn a thing or two about spoon carving from this guy...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2nd meeting: 6.3.10

Thanks again to Luke, Jeff, Danny, and Josh for hosting our second BTWC-SF meeting at their amazing space Woodshop. Once we had finished snooping around and checking out all their amazing surfboards, paintings, chairs, and furniture, we managed to settle down for a great night of whittling. We were very happy to welcome new club members Devon, Sarah, Andy, and Chris. And perhaps most significant of all...

Derek drew first blood! Which makes the club officially official!

Jeff, Derek, and Chris chip 'n chat.

Chris works on his, um, beatdown stick?

Jeff looks for better reception...

Sarah shows off her clothespin in progress.

And for more pictures, you can always click here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1st meeting: 5.11.10

In our ongoing effort to spend quality time with quality friends, we are proud to announce the founding of the San Francisco chapter of the Bleeding Thumb Whittling Club.

Our first meeting was a wonderful success. Many projects were begun, some were even finished. There was great conversation and conviviality. But alas....very little bleeding (and that was from a previous injury).

In the meantime you can check out some pictures below (with more to see here), and please visit the original Bleeding Thumb Whittling Club established by our new friends Janina and Jack in the UK.

Josh of Bernal Cutlery does some delicate work on a stick.

Wood, tools, chips.

Derek's peanut.

Luke's Fistful 'o Dollars.